Church Council 2022
Chair- Darcie McIntosh
Secretary- Marge Shetler
Financial Secretary- Ralph Rummel
LMAC- Bill Hayes
Treasurer- Pat Heming
Lay Leader/ Vice Chair- Bill Hayes
Bible School Coordinator- Ann Dziagwa
Child Advocate- Lisa Fox
Members-At-Large are:
Nancy Bowman
Mary Ann Walters
Also members are a representative or chair of each committee or team and the UM Men
Finance Committee
Michael Sahlaney, Chair
Council Chair- Darcie McIntosh
Treasurer- Patricia Heming
Financial Secretary- Ralph Rummel
LMAC/ Lay Leader- Bill Hayes
Nancy Moon
Elaine Stutzman
Also members are: a representative or chair of Trustees and SPRC (Staff/Parish Relations Committee)
Board of Trustees
Steve Walters
Rick Heming
Ralph Rummel
Pat Heming
Sandy Mitchell
Worship & Hospitality Team
Debbie Penrose
Mary Kathryn Martin
Helen Hill
Sandy Mitchell
MaryAnn Walters
Diane Hayes
Marge Shetler
Leadership Development Team
Pastor Scott Hamley
Lisa Fox
Esther Bowden
MaryAnn Walters
Bill Hayes
Discipleship & Family Ministry Team
Stephanie Dunlap
Diane Hayes
Mary Dziagwa
Darcie McIntosh
Destie Kisamore
Anda Ray
Bill Hayes
Lisa Fox
Staff/Parish Relations Committee
Marge Shetler
Bev Mrosky
Darcie McIntosh
Bill Hayes
Outreach Team
Darcie McIntosh
Diane Hayes
Tammy Bartlett
Joy Robbins