Our Prayer Chain
Seward United Methodist is a praying church. Our prayer chain is a network of individuals who will receive prayer requests, forward them to the next available person in the chain, and will pray immediately for each request. These prayer warriors willing to pray for your needs, and they are available seven days a week from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
You may call the church at 814-446-6335 to make your prayer request.
Members of the Prayer Chain are:
Pastor Scott Hamley Sandy Mitchell
Nancy Pennell Darcie McIntosh
Destie Kisamore Marge Shaw
A few guidelines for the prayer chain:
Put someone on the prayer chain only when requested by the individual, a family member, or a friend. We do not want to offend or betray confidentiality.
Offer a prayer with your prayer chain follower, because when two or more are gathered in His name…
It is good to write down the date and the prayer need so that you can remember/ record the answer to the request.
Prayer chain starts with a call or text to Pastor Scott or Sandy Mitchell.